Personnel policy is given special consideration at the refinery in order to efficiently manage, develop, and establish a competent and cohesive team unified by common corporate values. Global Asian Petroleum Refinery employs approximately 445 individuals, with young people under the age of 30 constituting one-third of the workforce. Every other employee at the plant has a greater level of education. The average age of refinery employees is 37 years. The success of Global Asian Petroleum activity is largely driven by the level of qualifications of its personnel, who are able to respond to changing market requirements in a timely manner in order to meet the enterprise’s established strategic goals and objectives. As a result, one of the top priorities is employee selection.

Global Asian Petroleum implemented rules for competitive personnel selection, which provide a transparent system for the search, selection, and adaptation of personnel, in order to achieve an optimal balance of renewal and preservation of the number and quality of personnel in accordance with the needs of the refinery. Applicants for admission must go through the following steps of selection: testing, an interview in a structural unit, and a panel interview at the refinery competition committee. The recruiting process is computerized and uses the “Electronic Recruiting” information system to ensure transparency in the movement of candidates’ resumes at all stages of selection.